Article after article claims to have the best exercise for... fill in your favorite activity. In bold letters at the top will be: "The 5 BEST Exercises for Making Your Ass So Big You Cannot Shop for Underwear In Normal Stores." or "Do this High Intensity Cardio Weight Blast Insanity 5 Times a Week for... Continue Reading →
Exercise Caution Online
The personal trainer on the YouTube video promises that her curtsy lunge with dumbbells is the secret to “a beautiful butt,” then conducts a very enthusiastic series of deep curtsies with the legs thrown back – right, left, right, left – arms by the sides, back straight, head up. In reality she probably stands a... Continue Reading →
Joint Effort
Targeted Exercises Avoid Excessive Knee Injuries in Girl Athletes The growing rate of ACL knee surgery reached 75 operations per 100,000 people in 2014, but teenage girls suffer more than three times as many injuries – 269 per 100,000 people, a 59 percent increase since 2002 (for boys, it’s 212, a 44 percent increase).[1] Researchers have... Continue Reading →