Article after article claims to have the best exercise for... fill in your favorite activity. In bold letters at the top will be: "The 5 BEST Exercises for Making Your Ass So Big You Cannot Shop for Underwear In Normal Stores." or "Do this High Intensity Cardio Weight Blast Insanity 5 Times a Week for... Continue Reading →
Is the 16:8 Diet the real deal or just another diet? 3 Things to consider before diving in.
The 16:8 Diet is receiving a lot of attention due to claims you can eat with reckless abandon as long as you do it during an 8-Hour eating window. A recent feature on the Today Show reports, "When obese people structured their schedule so that they fasted for 16 hours a day, but were free to eat whatever... Continue Reading →
How Kate Middleton More Likely Shed Her Baby Weight in Just Seven Weeks
An article by Celebrity Insider claims to have the answers to how Kate Middleton lost weight after giving birth to her third child. The article makes some vague references to cutting out sugar and carbs and getting some exercise. But the meat of the story is it is just plain genetics. An interview with a... Continue Reading →
The 10 Fat Burning Tips That Don’t help Anyone Get a Shredded Physique, Especially Not You
I enjoy reading fitness magazines. Occasionally they provide useful fitness tips but more often than not they rely on pseudo science, anecdotal evidence and old-wives tales. This is the case for a recent Muscle and Fitness Article entitled 10 Fat-Torching Tips for a Shredded Physique. I will breakdown the article and explain why each tip... Continue Reading →
Is playing College Sports the Right Choice for me?
Mark is 13 years old, shy, but full of energy. He plays baseball for the area's "top club" and his coach says he is one of the most natural athletes he has worked with. All Mark needs to do is play 9 to 10 months out of the year, work with a private hitting coach... Continue Reading →
Why Even The Best Fitness App Will Never Replace The Human Element
Today there is an app for everything. There is an app to simulate milking a cow, one to help you find the right time to go pee, and one that is... nothing. And of course there are countless fitness apps. Each one proclaims to be the best sports performance program and some are, no doubt,... Continue Reading →
It’s like Winning the Superbowl, Only Better
I emphasize the little victories with things the kids can control. Once that goal has been accomplished we celebrate it like they just won the Superbowl and I immediately give them a new goal. To me accomplishing a tangible goal within a kid's control is infinitely more exciting and productive than winning the Superbowl. The... Continue Reading →
5 Tips from Tommy John to Reduce Sports Injury and Avoid Surgery
Injury is, and always has been, a part of sports. Kids sprain ankles and break arms as a result of falls, hard tackles or an awkward step. But more and more kids are suffering from overuse injuries previously associated with adult and professional athletes. Dr. Tommy John, son of former baseball great Tommy John and... Continue Reading →
Top 5 Reasons your Teenager Might be Training with the Wrong Performance Coach
Sports performance coaches come in all different shapes and sizes and each has their own style and philosophies guided by their experiences and knowledge. At the end of the day the "right" performance coach for your teenage athlete is the one that he or she responds to and wants to work with on a regular... Continue Reading →
Summer Soccer Bootcamp
Coach Tom Dueber and St Vrain FC are excited to announce our Summer Soccer Bootcamp. Visit St Vrain FC for details and to sign up.